Teeth-whitening is Not Just for Women

  • How to Make a Non-Toxic Glue from Gelatin to Temporarily Repair Cracked Dentures

    27 July 2015

    If your dentures are cracked, but you aren't able to get to a dentist in a timely fashion, then don't despair. You can make a completely safe, non-toxic glue using simple ingredients available at your local grocery store and pharmacy. This glue will securely seal the break, and you will be able to wear your dentures safely until you are able to get them professionally repaired. Below is how to make a gelatin-based glue and use it to temporarily fix your broken dentures:

  • 7 Things You Need To Know About Verrucous Carcinoma

    6 July 2015

    Oral cancer is a common problem in Canada. The Canadian Cancer Society estimates that in 2015 alone, 4,400 Canadians will find out they have some type of oral cancer and 1,200 will die from this cancer. There are many different types of cancer that can develop inside your mouth, like verrucous carcinoma. Here are seven things you need to know about this slow-growing type of cancer.  What is verrucous carcinoma? Verrucous carcinoma is a type of oral cancer that affects your squamous cells.

  • 5 Ways Celiac Disease Affects Your Oral Health

    8 June 2015

    Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that makes your small intestine unable to process wheat and other foods that contain gluten, but it doesn't just affect digestion. Celiac disease also causes lots of problems in your mouth. Here are five oral health problems that people with celiac disease need to worry about. Aphthous stomatitis Aphthous stomatitis, also called canker sores, are one of the ways that celiac disease can manifest itself inside your mouth.

  • Not Just For Aesthetics: Therapeutic Uses For Botox In Dentistry

    4 May 2015

    When you hear the word Botox, the first thing that you probably think of are its applications in cosmetic surgery. Botox is most widely known for being used to treat the appearance of wrinkles, but there are many therapeutic and clinical applications for Botox that are less widely known about. Botox can be used in many different medical fields, including dentistry. There are a few therapeutic uses for Botox in dentistry that are lesser known.

  • What You Need To Consider Before You Get Dentures

    2 April 2015

    If you have several missing teeth, dentures are an affordable solution to give you back functionality and a beautiful smile. However, getting dentures is a major step, and like any dental procedure, you should consider the entire process before jumping into treatment. Check out these three things you should consider before getting your dentures from professionals at places like Village Green Denture Clinic. Do You Want Immediate or Conventional Dentures?

  • Replace Your Missing Teeth: Traditional Dentures Or Implant-Supported Dentures

    5 March 2015

    If you have lots of missing teeth, you may be considering dentures. However, implant-supported dentures are another option that are growing in popularity. If you're ready to improve your smile, learn the difference advantages and disadvantages to each type of denture. Cost When it comes to cosmetic dental procedures, the cost can easily get out-of-control, and if you're like most people, cost is a major factor in your decision-making process. The truth is that traditional dentures cost significantly less than implant-supported dentures.

  • 4 Foods That Can Whiten Your Smile

    5 February 2015

    Over-the-counter whitening strips can be effective at reducing stains and discoloration from teeth, but for many people, this isn't an option because whitening strips cause too much tooth sensitivity and pain. If you're one of the many who cannot use whitening strips, you may be searching for other inexpensive and pain-free ways to achieve a whiter your smile. Consider using the following foods to remove stains and whiten your teeth.