Teeth-whitening is Not Just for Women

Dental Implants: A Great Tooth Replacement Option To Restore Your Smile

by Dianne Rodriquez

Missing teeth is an undoubtedly significant oral health and cosmetic issue. For example, the dental gaps make it hard to chew food or put on a confident smile. For that reason, it is advisable to have missing teeth replaced as soon as possible. Thanks to dental technology advancements, there are numerous options to choose from, including dental implants. Read on to find out why implants are a popular option.

1. Prevent Additional Tooth Loss 

As you perhaps already know, teeth support each other by staying close together. This explains why a missing tooth makes adjacent teeth shift due to the open space. In the end, the shifted teeth become loose, increasing the chances of further tooth loss. This is the last thing you want because you might lose a significant number of teeth with time.

Investing in implants can be all it takes to prevent further tooth loss. Implants typically fill the entire dental gap, ensuring your teeth remain firm and aligned at all times.

2. Keep Cavities at Bay

As earlier mentioned, a missing tooth tends to make teeth shift. The shifting creates gaps between the teeth, creating plenty of space for food particles to hide. This may seem a minor problem, but it comes with the risk of dental cavities.

As the name suggests, dental cavities are holes or openings on the teeth. The trapped food particles are among the leading causes of cavities. These particles serve as food for the bacteria in your mouth. As a result, the bacteria multiply at a high rate and emit acidic waste. The acid then erodes teeth enamel, resulting in dental cavities.

Keep in mind that cavities can expose sensitive dental nerves. Should this happen, it is a matter of time before you experience teeth sensitivity issues. Fortunately, implants mimic natural teeth, helping prevent all these issues.

3. Improved Nutrition

Food chewing is always a struggle when you have missing teeth. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies because insufficient chewing means that food won't break down into the appropriate particle sizes. Consequently, you might experience indigestion issues, a problem associated with poor nutrition. That said, implants go a long way in restoring chewing power that enables your body to absorb enough food nutrients.  

Do you have missing teeth? If yes, dental implants may be an excellent treatment you need to consider. With implants installed, you may not have to worry about additional teeth loss. Cavities and poor nutrition will also be the least of your concerns. Consulting with a professional dentist may help you learn more about them.
